Low Blood Pressure Treatment using Nutrients

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Protein, vitamin C, and all vitamins of the B group have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of low blood pressure. Of these, pantothenic acid is of particular importance. Liberal use of this vitamin alone often helps in raising the blood pressure. A diet which contains adequate quantities of complete proteins, B vitamin and, particularly, the nutrients that stimulate adrenal production, quickly normalizes low blood pressure.
Low Blood Pressure Treatment using Salt
The use of salt is valuable in low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily.
The following are another treatment of low blood pressure:
Warm-Water Enema Treatment
A warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the first few days of the treatment, and afterwards, if necessary. Those who are habitually constipated should take all the possible steps for its eradication. Daily dry friction and sponging should be undertaken by those suffering from low blood pressure.

Light Walking, Cycling, Swimming and Breathing Exercises
They should undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking, swimming and cycling. The patient should take sun and air baths and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Avoid Excessive Work, Anxiety
All living habits which tend to enervate the system, such as overwork, excesses of all kinds, needless worry, and negative thinking must be eliminated as far as possible.

Consume lots of water
The best and the most effective home remedy for treating low blood pressure would be to. This is because dehydration reduces blood volume and leads to a drop in the blood pressure.

Eat 1/4 cup of oatmeal for breakfast.
Oatmeal is an inexpensive and good source of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are essential for healthy blood flow and energy. If you don't like oatmeal, foods like farina, grits and whole grain cereal will suffice. For flavor, add a banana. If you have low blood pressure, refrain from eating table sugar.

Drink a potassium drink with lunch for one month.
Making a potassium broth is simple. It can be done by juicing 2 large carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 radishes and a few pinches of parsley. If you don't have a juicer, drink 10 to 12 oz. of low-sodium vegetable juice. V-8 Juice is among the top brands. Potassium is an essential electrolyte that the body needs for healthy blood flow. A potassium deficiency is often at the forefront of low blood pressure.

Eat a leafy salad between lunch and dinner.
Include onions, sea greens, organic beef chunks, carrots, peas and broccoli. This mixture contains very important macrobiotic ingredients that will help alkalize your body and balance your hormones and other chemicals, which is essential for healthy blood pressure.

Eat 6 ounces of lean, chemical-free beef and 1 cup of brown rice for dinner.
Lean beef is wonderful source of protein if not over-consumed. Brown rice is a natural detoxifier and a good source of carbohydrates. Drink a 12-ounce glass of pure pineapple juice with dinner. Pineapple juice is high in bioflavonoids that are essential or strengthening the blood vessels and hyping the metabolism.

Eat 2 cloves of garlic 1 hour before bed time.
Garlic, among its many health benefits, helps stabilize the blood pressure. Also, drink 1 cup of ginseng tea. Ginseng tea stimulates the circulatory and adrenal systems and is a safe and natural way to boost your body's energy while getting a comfortable amount of sleep.

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